Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Perfectly Fit

I have always loved receiving recipes from people. A well loved recipe really is a perfect gift. And that's one thing I've come to enjoy so much about the food blog world. Each recipe posted is a conversation as well as a gift to others.

Though this recipe wasn't handed directly to me, I feel like it was. Simply reading the title of Deb's post at Smitten Kitchen, I knew I had been handed something good. It was a recipe perfectly fit for me...and, of course, everyone else out there who shares my good taste.

The thing about fresh herbs is they can keep a recipe simple while making it extraordinary. Take for example, Molly's three ingredient lunch featuring snipped fresh thyme. Or the basil leaves tucked into my broiled figs. In this dish, the fresh mint combines beautifully with a few other simple ingredients and makes for a quick, delicious lunch or side at dinner (though I would have been completely satisfied with it as a light dinner if I could have gotten my hands on some crusty bread to mop up the leftover capers and mint bits in my bowl).

Obviously, I was sold on these flavors from the start, so I didn't tamper with the recipe at all and was completely satisfied. The vinegar was strong, which I never mind, the olive oil was smooth and fragrant, the mint dominant to a perfect degree, the capers crunchy, and the eggplant soft enough and subtle enough to let the marinade's flavors shine through. I am looking forward to the leftovers sitting in my fridge, begrudgingly waiting to be eaten at lunch tomorrow.

Marinated Eggplant with Capers and Mint Recipe.

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