Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Little Corner


The golden sunlight was too inviting this evening.
(Staying inside just wouldn't do.)
I happened upon a favorite little corner of this world,
but I only have a glimpse to offer you tonight.

Next time I won't let the whirring wash machine pull me away,
and you'll understand why this place helps me breathe
when I am pitying myself in Abilene.



Cooking for Comfort by Jennifer said...

I love this picture! Have a great week!!!!

Polly Jones said...

I love your corner and your blog. That relentless Abilene sun can be wonderful sometimes.

Rachael said...

I'm never disappointed with what you see & share!
I'm so glad you're the stop-to-smell-the-roses kind of girl and stop-to-see-through-the-lens kind of girl, too.
And you'll always be my can't-help but-love-you kind of girl!

Lael Meidal said...

Thank you so much to each of you for stopping by and leaving such kind comments!